segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2011

My wedding day!

          One of the most important, special, unforgetable moments of my life! I got no words to describe the feelings i had that day! And from now on Eliane and i are Mr. and Mrs. Barbosa! Yeah! That's right! My last name is Barbosa. Rogerney is my second one!
           My wedding day was on 11/11/11! In one of the chapels of  The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints in Manaus, so this means that me and my wife (i love to say she's my wife) are mormons (LDS members)! Intersting right? See some photoes of this incredible day of my life:

Mr. and Mrs. Barbosa

Our testimonies

 Some special friends!

My parents and her mother and brother.

Her father!

          I loved that day! Everything was perfect! And it is just the begining of our jorney together!

Eliane Gomes da Silva Barbosa, i love you very much!

quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011

This is Manaus! - Part 1

           Hello! A lot of people think  that in the middle of the Amazon forest there are a lot of trees, monkeys, snakes and much more animals. Now i'm going to say a bit about the brazilian city i was born in: Manaus.
          Manaus is the capital city of  Amazonas state and it is the biggest city of this state, there are 2 millions of people here. See these touristic points photoes:
This is Ponta Negra beach, the most famous beach here!

          This is one of the most famous hotels in Manaus, Tropical Hotel. A lot of famous people sleep there like Iron Maden (when they came to play here, they stayed there), Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Cameron, Bill Clinton and much more.There are a lot of brazilian movies with some scenes there. It is next to Ponta Negra beach.

         This other famous hotel, Ariaú Amazon Towers. It is near to Manaus, just some kilometers away. Had you ever seen him? No? Had you watched the 'Anaconda' movie? So you've seen this hotel before. This movie was filmed there and around it!
       Remember this scene? It's in Ariaú Amazon Towers. If you haven't seen this movie, watch this trailer with subtitles in portuguese:

The explosion scene in the end of this trailer is at Ariaú Amazon Towers!

          This is 'Teatro Amazonas/Amazonas Opera House'. It is Manaus most famous theater! And in this opera house, every year, happens 'Amazonas Film Festival'. A lot of celebrities come to this movie award, once i saw the producers of 'Star Wars' passing by the red carpet. 10 years ago, moreless, White Stripes played there!
                                                  This is inside Amazonas Opera House!

                         I'm going to tell you some more about this wonderful city in other time. See ya!